Youth Services are delivered by caring and trained youth workers providing one-on-one ‘along-side’ support for young people who are at risk.
Our youth workers come from varied backgrounds and experiences, just as our young people are different and have different needs/goals.
Our approach to youth work takes a tuakana/teina or big brother/big sister approach; working with young people to navigate through whatever is going on in their lives, or whatever it is that has brought them to us.
We are not interested in judgement, we want to know what interests the young person, what drives them and to assist them with the resources they need to continue to succeed after they leave us. To do this we work with people they identify as being part of their network/whanau.
Who is it for?
11-17 year olds who are on the brink of offending or are already doing so.
Also 11-14 year olds who are not yet at-risk of offending, but are heading in that direction.
How We Do It
We provide short-term one-on-one support – typically one or two sessions a week – to help the young person navigate the resources needed to achieve their own goals and aspirations, as well as helping them build confidence, develop essential life skills, and engage positively in education and vocational opportunities.
Who Can Make Referrals?
Youth Aid, Oranga Tamariki, Schools & School Counsellors, RTLB and community and health agencies.
Youth Services are provided for the Youth Justice section of the Ministry of Children Oranga Tamariki in Nelson and the West Coast.
Youth Development
We provide short term one-on-one support to help a young person to complete goals that emerge from a Youth Justice Family Group Conference or Legal Order.
We provide longer-term one-on-one support for a Youth Justice client and/or younger siblings of Youth Justice clients. Our youth workers provide positive guidance, encouragement, and help the young person achieve their own positive goals and aspirations.
Who can make referrals?
Only members of the Youth Justice team at Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children.
Contact us today