Hapai Te Ora
Crisis and Respite House
Our Hapai Te Ora Crisis and Respite service allows you time out from your normal daily life to rest, reassess and set new goals. We provide a warm comfortable home which is a place for you to rest, recuperate, eat good food and have the freedom to go. We have onsite facilities which include Sky TV and free WiFi.
Hapai Te Ora is a place where you can talk and be listened to. You will experience a calm restful environment where you are supported in your mental health recovery journey.
It gives you time to refocus on what is important to you in gaining and maintaining on going mental, physical, spiritual cultural and social wellbeing in your life.
Hapai Te Ora
Is staffed 24 hours a day by trained peer support workers
Can cater for up to three residents at a time
You are welcome to have family friends and support workers visit you
Food, beverages and linen are all supplied – you need only bring personal clothing and toiletries.
How to access this service
Referrals to Hapai Te Ora can be made via
Your Mental Health Case Manager at Witherlea House in Blenheim or in NMDHB Nelson.

Contact us today