Wellbeing looks different for each of us but what it can be broadly described as a “state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy”.
Who better to determine what wellbeing looks like than you.
Gateway's vision is Empowering People Towards their Own Wellbeing.
We do this by Working in Partnership with People at the Centre.
Established in 1992 Gateway Housing Trust (better known as Gateway) supports people to wellbeing. Gateway delivers services in the health, housing and social service sectors and currently provides a range of services for youth and adults including:
Housing Support - Assisting people to live well in their existing tenancies and the provision of short term accommodation with wrap around support.
Respite Services - For adults engaged in mental health services in Marlborough. Respite services are both planned and crisis.
Day Activities - For adults based in Motueka, connecting socially, learning new skills and sharing wellbeing practices.
Youth Services - Working alongside young people at risk, working together to achieve both aspirational and mandated goals.
What underpins our practice?
Gateway acknowledges and honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi through our practice and service planning by applying Te Whare Tapa Whā and Whānau Ora models of health. Te Whare Tapa Whā and Whānau Ora are naturally inclusive, people centered, holistic ways of being, thinking, acting.
Te Whare Tapa Whā is a well-known Māori Model of Care developed by Mason Durie in the 1980’s to provide a Māori perspective on health. The four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā includes:
Taha Tinana – Physical Wellbeing
Taha Hinengaro – Mental Wellbeing
Taha Wairua – Spiritual Wellbeing
Taha Whānau – Family Wellbeing
On a foundation of whenua / land or roots.
The overarching significance of Te Whare Tapa Whā is the need to achieve or have balance, if one of the areas above are out of balance the house is less able to withstand challenges.
Te Whare Tapa Whā gives Gateway a framework to partner with people to assess their ‘whare’ and identify areas that require attention and support, equally to identify areas of strength and protection. Te Whare Tapa Whā intersects with Whānau Ora as an approach; Gateway views both models as being inclusive of others, people identified by the client as their Whānau or supportive network.
Gateway is also proud to be an Equally Well Champion; we have joined agencies from across New Zealand who are advocating and promoting a kaupapa of physical health equity for people experiencing addiction and mental health issues. We view Equally Well as being in alignment with Te Whare Tapa Whā and Whānau Ora, as such Equally Well is naturally woven through each of our services.
Gateway is ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems accredited. We work with a brilliant bunch of people delivering services across the top of the South with services in Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough and the West Coast.
Contact us today